Book Detective Form
Stumped when it comes to finding a good book? Overwhelmed by the choices? Just fill out this form to receive a personalized reading list within a week. Feel free to fill in as many or as few boxes as you would like, but remember that the more preferences you share, the more on-target our recommendations will be.
Below, add details like these to help us find a good match:
FICTION: Want a book that’s fast-paced? Literary? Light—or thought-provoking? Want a historical mystery, hard sci-fi, or another genre?
NONFICTION: Want a biography about an actor, or a true crime classic? Want to build a porch or bake an apple pie? Up for something in-depth, or prefer a quicker read?
TEEN: Want a fast-paced book full of action or a realistic romance? Like vampires, angels, or zombies? Want gritty realism—or something fluffy? A dystopia like "The Hunger Games" or a novel featuring your favorite sport?