
Access more than 50 popular magazines on your phone, PC, tablet, or other mobile device using Flipster!
Download digital versions of new and back issues from a selection of popular titles, including Vogue, Sports Illustrated, Cosmopolitan, Bon Appetit and others. Magazines download in an easy-to-read digital format that looks just like the print edition. Users can browse magazines by category as well as perform searches for specific periodicals.

Checkout Limits
There are no limits to the number of magazines you can check out. Length of checkout is determined by the publisher and varies by magazine from a few days to a few weeks. You can read magazines online immediately or download magazines for offline reading later.

Flipster App
You can start reading immediately via web browser or by downloading the Flipster mobile app to your device. The mobile app is available for Apple/iOS, Android and Kindle Fire.

Instantly borrow digital movies, music, eBooks and more, 24/7 with your library card.
hoopla is a groundbreaking digital media service that allows you to borrow movies, music, audiobooks, ebooks, comics and TV shows to enjoy on your computer, tablet, or phone – and even your TV! With no waiting, titles can be streamed immediately, or downloaded to phones or tablets for offline enjoyment later.

Checkout Limits
Need Content.

hoopla App
You can start reading immediately via web browser or by downloading the hoopla mobile app to your device. The mobile app is available for Apple/iOS, Android and Kindle Fire.

LOTE4Kids provides over 3000+ picture books in 65+ languages for children to access and enjoy from home!  Children can develop reading and listening skills and learn a language with various ebook and audiobook options, as well as English translations. Download the App today!

Alliance Digital Media

Use the Alliance Digital Media Library (ADML) powered by OverDrive / Libby to check out free eBooks and audiobooks from the Alliance Digital Media Library. The ADML is a ‘virtual branch’ of our library containing a collection of digital titles that have been selected by a consortium of area libraries. You can browse, check out, and download using your library card.

Checkout Limits
Need Content.

Libby App
You can download to Windows or MAC computer, popular Smartphones, a Kindle or Kindle Fire, and some Nook devices. You can then transfer to other devices such as the Apple iPod or the Sony Reader. There are also accessibility features for the visually impaired.

eRead Illinois

The eRead Illinois program focuses on expanding access to e-books for Illinois residents, training on e-books for libraries to better serve their communities and exploring further opportunities for increasing access to e-books through collaboration with Illinois authors, libraries, publishers, and other organizations.

TumbleBook Library

TumbleBook Library is a collection of animated books. Children ages K-6 can use this service by themselves or with a parent, reading tutor or teacher. You will also find games and puzzles at TumbleBooks and can save favorites, read in other languages and set the controls for your own needs. Explore it for yourself now!

Teen Book Cloud

TeenBook Cloud is a curated database of e-books and other digital content. The growing collection features over 1000 titles, including student-favorite Graphic Novels, enhanced e-books with full audio narration and highlighted text, classic literature, national geographic videos, and more!