Customer Appreciation Sale
Mark your calendars for our annual Customer Appreciation Days at Friendly Finds Bookstore, located on Lower Level 2 at Main Library. Friends of Peoria Public [...]
Escape the Beehive!
Come join us for an escape room! In teams of up to five people, you will have 15 minutes to find your way out of the Beehive. [...]
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Dog Man Party
Peoria Public Library's Lincoln Branch invites you to join our Dog Man Party this Friday, April 4. Crafts, games, snacks and more! Come celebrate everyone's favorite superhero [...]
CLUE Murder Mystery
Miss Scarlet. Professor Plum. Mrs. White. Colonel Mustard. Mrs. Peacock. Mayor Green. The gang’s all here. Not one of them is perfect, but only one of [...]
National Library Week
As part of National Library Week (April 3-9), learn about all the things you can achieve with the help of your library card! Pick up a [...]
Peoria Public Library and Peoria Public Schools Partner on Media Literacy
Peoria Public Library and Peoria Public Schools are joining forces to teach Media Literacy to our community. Peoria Public Library Executive Director Randall Yelverton and Peoria [...]
Lincoln Branch 10th Anniversary
Come celebrate the 10th anniversary of Peoria Public Library Lincoln Branch's expansion. In 2011, Lincoln Branch was expanded and transformed into the beautiful and functional branch it [...]
Join the Lakeview Ledger
The Lakeview Ledger Do you like to write? Do you think you'd like to learn more about how newspapers are put together? The Lakeview [...]
Building Information Literacy
Today’s flood of misinformation and disinformation illustrates the critical need for critical thinking. by Randall Yelverton, Peoria Public Library It is one of the greatest [...]
We’re BACK! All PPL Locations Reopen Feb. 1
As of Feb. 1, Peoria Public Library has reopened to the public for brief browsing and computer appointments. Contact-free Curbside Pickup will continue to be offered [...]
Peoria, Fondulac libraries to reopen at start of February
(HOI) -- Peoria Public Library and the Fondulac District Library will soon be reopening their doors to the public. Both public library organizations said they will [...]
Beyond the Headlines
Be it misguided or malicious, the lightning spread of “fake news” happens because of how easy technology has made it to share that so-called [...]
Flipping Out for Flipster in 2021!
Peoria Public Library is starting 2021 off with a gift for you! Starting Jan. 11, visit our website or download the Flipster app and access [...]
Finally Fine Free!
Peoria Public Library is fine free and will no longer charge for materials returned late. However, fees for damaged, lost or unreturned items - past or [...]
Peoria Public Library Goes Fine-Free Forever
By Olivia Streeter The Peoria Public Library is joining a growing number of public libraries across the country in adopting a fine-free policy, effectively eliminating barriers [...]
Preschoolers Get Lesson in Financial Literacy from State Treasurer
Illinois Treasurer Michael Frerichs visited the Peoria Public Library on Oct. 18 and took part in a special StoryTime focused on financial literacy. Illinois Treasurer Michael [...]
Taking a Glimpse Into the Peoria Public Library’s Local History Room
Meet the man whose job is sharing local history with the public. Chris Farris is a reference assistant at the Peoria Public Library’s Local History and Genealogy [...]